Corporate Finance & Investment Banking

International corporate finance and investment banking industries have rebounded significantly in the past few years.  This focus area covers courses in Valuation, Financial Modeling, Leverage Finance and other traditional corporate financing areas.



Corporate Valuation Techniques [5 days]

Corporate Valuation Techniques workshop explores how corporations, banks and the capital markets price both financial and real assets.  A constant theme is that the financial markets focus on asset valuation in relation to the values of other assets.  The program includes a Master Case study where participant groups will assess a publicly traded company and estimate its value.  Each group will present their valuations using a multitude of approaches.  Among the topics covered:

  • Financial statement analysis and ratios
  • Asset pricing models
  • Discounted cash flow valuation
  • Valuing private companies
  • Industry and multiples analysis



FAF (Financial Analysis & Forecasting) [3 days]

Financial Analysis &Forecasting explores the tools used by financial professionals to determine investment and financing needs. The program includes several case studies and exercises using actual companies to provide a real-world perspective on the most commonly used forecasting and valuation techniques.  Participants will construct and use spreadsheet models throughout the program. At the end of the course, delegates will have a sound understanding of:

  • Overview of relationship between key financial statements
  • Working capital management and funds flows
  • How to calculate and use financial ratios to evaluate business performance and financial health
  • Valuation techniques including DDM, DCF and multiples analysis
  • Using Excel models for sensitivity analysis



Building Financial Models in Excel [4 days]

This workshop provides a hands-on process to learning many modeling techniques. Participants will learn how to effectively create financial models in order to analyze their clients’ financing needs.

The program includes a case study model, in which participants build a detailed Excel spreadsheet to analyze the financials for a corporate bank client. Each participant will submit the final copy of his or her model for review.  Detailed topics include:

  • Excel designing, navigating, editing, formatting and printing
  • Building a standalone model
  • Using the scenario function
  • DCF modeling
  • M&A and LBO transaction modeling



Corporate Finance School [5 days]

This 4-day course is suitable for corporate bankers, relationship managers, product specialists, treasury professionals, capital markets dealers and other financial professionals influential in developing multiple alternatives involving complex corporate financing decisions. During this case-study intensive workshop, delegates learn how to apply best practices in the following areas:

  • Fundamental corporate valuation
  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • Corporate restructuring & recapitalization
  • Equity capital markets & the IPO process
  • Private equity and private company valuation
  • Financing LBOs: leveraged loans and mezzanine capital
  • Securitization and other off-balance sheet solutions



Leveraged Finance [3 days]

This course takes participants through the worlds of acquisition finance and private equity, detailing the structuring, pricing and placement of leveraged buyouts. We discuss the benefits and risks of levered financings used by private equity firms or by corporates to finance acquisitions, paying particular attention to the motivations of the different players.  We examine both actual and hypothetical LBOs and assess the likelihood of success and failure of proposed transactions. A notebook computer is required to model transactions. Among the topics to be covered:

  • The roles and objectives of buyout participants
  • How to identify LBO opportunities
  • Ways to syndicate out an LBO transaction
  • The role of private equity in the deal process
  • Leveraged recapitalizations & refinancing techniques
  • IPOs and spinoffs



Multiple Topics Seminar Series

Generally, these programs run for 3-5 days, although some clients prefer a series of shorter 1-2 day sessions.  All of the programs are modular and customizable.


An example of a seminar series covering many of the above areas is:

  • Business Acumen for Back Office, Technology and Operations – covers many areas of global markets, capital markets and investment management.


An example of a multi-topic seminar is as below:


Business School [5 days]

In recent years, international financial markets have grown significantly in size and complexity to meet the financing and investment needs of participants.  Globalization, deregulation and monetary union harmonization have led to increased use of leverage, creating many opportunities and risks to both investors and institutions seeking capital.  Business School explores key issues of corporate financing, asset valuation, capital markets techniques and asset management.  Delegates will examine these issues in a “workshop” environment, analyzing finance from both the corporate and markets perspectives.  Extensive use of actual transactions, exercises and a Master Case study will serve to reinforce the concepts introduced.  This course is suitable for professionals seeking to enhance their skills and market knowledge in today’s challenging fixed income environment including:

  • Executives and managers
  • Professionals in all functions
  • Investment and commercial bankers
  • Equity and fixed income investment managers
  • Investment analysts
  • Credit analysts and credit controllers
  • Treasury managers
  • Lawyers and newly-qualified accountants
  • Company brokers and advisers